Saturday, February 6, 2010

Everyday Life

Yeey! It's Saturday, and I got to sleep in today. I think my body has run out of vitamin D, because I've been tired the whole week.

On Tuesday I managed to get my toilet clogged. I was just getting rid of a liter of old chicken soup, that had been in the fridge longer than I like to admit.. but let's just say that it should have started to pay rent. I poured the whole thing into the loo and flushed, but instead of going down and disappearing, it came back UP! The bright yellow soup was now floating close to the edge of the toilet, and I'm pretty sure it was going through it's options.. flood the bathroom, or leave quietly. It had a little think, and then decided to slowly leave. Unfortunatly the soup took mr. toilet air freshner as hostage down the drain, or at least I think it did, 'cause nobody's seen him since.

So there I was. It was a struggle. A war in my bathroom. I fought with buckets of hot water, trying create enough water pressure, so that the remains of the soup (and possibly mr. air freshner) would surrender and leave the bathroom premises.

In the end I gave up and called a plummer. I'm waiting for a bill, I'm sure it will be big, since plummers do not come cheap.

And also it's going to be a while before I make my chicken Tom Yum soup again. But hey; feel free to email me if you want the recipe!

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